“If the mind is dull, wake it up”, “If the mind is over-active, allow it to get calm”, “And when it is balanced, allow it to remain that way”. ~ Mandukya Upanishad
Professionals and Students will learn a multi-dimensional approach to manage stress at the physical, mental, emotional and intellectual levels.
This Class will focus on:
Recognizing occupational demands and related stress affecting health and well being
Introduction and Practice of specialized Stress management program called “SELF MANAGEMENT OF EXCESSIVE TENSION” (SMET).
SMET provides a holistic approach to practitioners in understanding and applying knowledge of Yoga in its entirety. SMET focuses on
“Stimulation-Relaxation” techniques
Cyclic Meditation (CM)
Pranic Energising Technique (PET)
Mind Sound Resonance Technique (MSRT)
Learning to cope with work pressures, deadlines, exam-oriented anxiety, tackle competitions through SMET
To enrol for the course, please fill in the form below.
​**This service is running online and offered in Group and on 1-2-1 basis**